



Sharehouse, it is like my second family. No time to feel lonely, Hello my friends

  • 20's
  • 1 year and a half stay
  • Shared room
  • No experience in study abroad
  • Beginner English

First, please introduce yourself!!

Hello, my name is Hyunhee Jung whio is a member of Borderless Family! I have been staying in BORDERLESS HOUSE for a year and half and have met lots of friends from other countries. I used to live in the other city in Korea, but since I needed to go to University located un Seoul, I came to Seoul and found out BORDELRESS HOUSE.

The place where I could live in safety and together

The reason why you chose Borderless House.

Firstly, the reason why I decided to stay at BORDERLESS HOUSE was the ridiculously high deposit to find the place in Seoul and I also did not want to live alone that would make me feel lonely. I came across BORDERLESS HOUSE while serching the word ' Guest house'. However I figured out that international share house has the other thing compared to guest house.

Every time I see my second family by exchanging culture and language

Good points to live in Borderless House

Same as what I mentioned before, I could have my house mates which means I would not have a lonely life. Since I am the person who feels alone if there is no one around me, I think that all house mates are my second family. Saying "Welcome back" to me when I get home , "Good morning" to each other when we wake up in the morning and eating the meal with facing each other are things that make me feel literally happy every day! Another good thing is learning other things that I have not known. Not only diverse culture, but languages can be part of my life everyday.Everytime I talk with my foreigner house mates, we naturally exchange our culture while talking to each other. This keep making us get to know better.

The way to consider when living with housemates

Something uncomfortable while staying at Borderless House.

Since I have been getting along well with my all housemates, I do not think I have some trouble staying with them.
One of things I used to have about living with foreigners was the language. Since my English was not up to a long conversation, I was trying to let my housemates know what I was to trying to say by body language. However, this has been getting better while studying English and practicing to talking to them. Time would help all people like me to improve speaking skills, I guess. Of course, people might feel uncomfortable if they stay with many people, but if would be fine as long as they solve the problem by a discussion to understand and respect each other.

Losing the chance to stay at Borderless House will make you regret!

Please make some words for future possible tenants.

Do move in to Borderless House without any hesitation! For Koreans and foreigners, Borderless House is the right place where people could experience other culture , language and precious memories. After moving our from the house does not mean you could not meet your friends anymore. Since I have been still contacting with my former housemates, Once you become close friends, that makes you keep staying touch! Thank you.

