



Great is hardly the word to express about my life at Borderless Hosue!

  • 20's
  • 3 month stay
  • Shared room
  • 3rd time Korea
  • Intermediate English

First, please introduce yourself!!

Greetings from Seoul! My name is Tanaya and I call Los Angeles my home, but Seoul is fighting for that title. This is my third time in the ROK and I’ve been with Borderless house for almost four months. This time around, I’m studying Korean at Seoul Global Center (they have free Korean classes, you're welcome) and work part time doing jobs that I find on Facebook.

Well-organized website with reliable staffs & Especaily, great location!

The reason why you chose Borderless House?

Truth be told, I chose Borderless House because they dominated the housing listings I looked at. Shout out to that marketing team! I finally decided to check them out and their website was very well done. I took a look at the different houses they had available and flip-flopped between a few, which they graciously and patiently put up with.
I jumped on the Sangsu 1 house as soon as it opened. It was in Hongdae aka THE #1 college/ party place in all of Seoul, plus it was right off of subway line 6 which was only two subway stops away from Sogang University which I attended over the Summer. Not to mention, my window faced Hongik University meaning I could eyeball all the cute college boys. It was a win-win situation all around!

Cannot find the word 'Lonely' & always can find the word 'Hospitality' !

Good points to live in Borderless House

Living in a sharehouse is a great way to curb loneliness. There are always people around, but it’s still easy to maintain your privacy since everyone has different schedules. We mainly come together around dinner time which is a great way to bond over meals. Especially when you see your floormates everyday, you’re bound to make a few great connections.
Borderless House has great customer service unlike goshiwons or other places. Borderless House takes great pride in caring for their tenants, so rest assured that any concern or question you have will be promptly and professionally addressed. They also throw together great events for us and have fantastic programs such as living free-of-charge at one of their overseas share houses while you’re on vacation. Try getting hospitality like that at a goshiwon. Not gonna happen!

Different life style which can be solved by sharing feelings

Something uncomfortable while staying at Borderless House

Admittedly, it can be a bit awkward having male floormates, so if you’re shy about that definitely check out the women only houses that Borderless House has available. Other than that, the only issues are hounding certain roommates to wash their dishes or throw out their moldy food. Granted, you’ll face that issue no matter where you live if you have roommates.
Just always remember to speak up if something’s not quite right. “Nobody knows how you feel if you don’t say how you feel,” is what I live by.

Save money, Gain time, Take opportunity!

Please make some words for future possible tenants

If you’re thinking about staying with Borderless House, it’s a decision you won’t regret. Sure, you can find cheaper housing elsewhere, but you get what you pay for (seriously).
If your Korean skills are lacking, it is much easier to have landlords who you speak English (Chinese, Japanese, and more) who can help in case problems or confusion occurs. Borderless House also has promotions on some of their houses during different months, so make sure to check their website often! See you once you get to Seoul~

