



Borderless House that gives you 2nd Family in abroad

  • 20's
  • 9 month stay
  • Private room
  • 1st time Korea
  • Fluent English

First, please introduce yourself!!

Hello, I am Linda from Taipei, Taiwan and came to Korea to study Korean Language! When I was in Taiwan, I started getting interested in Korea and, that made me come to Korea to learn more!
Hello, I am Linda from Taipei, Taiwan and came to Korea to study Korean Language! When I was in Taiwan, I started getting interested in Korea and, that made me come to Korea to learn more!

Borderless House, the top of share houses in Seoul

The reason why you chose Borderless House

I literally did not know how to find some accommodations in Korea, but I found out some houses on the internet since many people suggested share hosues. And then, I heard that Borderless House had no peer in Share houses.So I just made myself move in to Borderless House without any hesitation!

Many chances to make new friends and always help each other!

Good points to live in Borderless House

Since there are the ratio of tenant's nationality in Borderless House, I had Korean and other foreign friends in the house during my stay. And this brought the great profit like helping a lot each other when we had some trouble, and also Korean always are willing to help others as they do not know well about Korea. This is always great way for foreigners when they have local friends in abroad!
Moreover, I also have made other friends from other houses located in Seoul through Borderless event! I am not living in the house now, but I am still talking to my friends at aytime!

The first basic thing for people in Share house, Respect!

Something uncomfortable while staying at Borderless House

I can tell that the hardest one is housemates. I love my friends, but as people have different life style, we have to respect each other. But sometime, we had some friends who did not have that basic one. This is why we always to show our feelings to others how we feel in daily life if something is wrong.

Please make some words for future possible tenants

Please make some words for future possible tenants

You will meet the rewarding time if you move in Borderless House. It would make you the person who has the responsibility, and give you unforgettable memories!
You will meet the rewarding time if you move in Borderless House. It would make you the person who has the responsibility, and give you unforgettable memories!
